5 Types of Videos for your business

1 - Screencast Tutorial Videos I am sure you have seen these. Basically, the video is a screenshot or series of shots from the producer's computer, demonstrating how to do something. These kinds of videos are really cool. You get the feeling of sitting over the person's shoulder while they show … [Read more...]

7 Critical Business Building Principles

I had the opportunity to be a part of a direct marketing firm in the wellness industry a few short years ago. I started my own business , marketed their products and did very well. Like many direct sales or similar marketing companies, they had a prescribed set of activities that if you applied … [Read more...]

An Integrated Approach to SEO Marketing

Most budding or existing webpreneurs have heard the term SEO before. However, I will provide the meaning for the purpose of this article. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the organization of text or keywords, photos or videos on your website so that it gets found by the search engines when … [Read more...]