When you are trying to attract your ideal clients, take a look in the mirror first. Are you a picture a walking, talking billboard for the principles you teach? To be clear, this is not about appearances. This is about your activities, how you implement, whether you are coachable yourself. … [Read more...]
Lead by Example to Attract Your Ideal Clients
Position Yourself as an Expert Online, not a Generalist
Your prospective clients want to work with an expert, not a generalist. You would want the same for yourself right? So when you market yourself online, you need to position yourself as an expert to get clients. In this article (and the video that follows) I will share with you some simple ways … [Read more...]
Follow-up Sequence in Response to Online Inquiries from Potential Clients
![Response to Online Inquiries from Potential Clients](https://www.stephanietreasure.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/follow-up-150x150.jpg)
So with all the marketing that you do on Social Media for your business, you most likely will get inquiries. However, be sure that you are not likely to close the sale on social media. You definitely want to help the person by answering the question or addressing the issue. After that, you want to … [Read more...]
8 Proven Ways to Share Content and Attract Your Clients Online
![content marketing](https://www.stephanietreasure.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/content-marketing-150x150.png)
In my previous post I mentioned that Content Marketing is key to reaching your audience, showcasing your expertise, attracting Joint-Venture partners and ranking your website in the search engines. So in today's post, I will share 8 Proven Content Marketing Types to Attract Your Ideal Clients … [Read more...]
Lead by Example to Attract Your Ideal Clients Online
Take responsibility - if your team makes a mistake or there is a fault with your system, take responsibility and move on Be Truthful - Be honest about what is going on with you and your journey as a business owner Step out in courage - Be brave. Step out and do the things that you are asking … [Read more...]
4 Key Benefits of Active Content Marketing to Attract Your Ideal Clients
![content marketing to attract your ideal clients](https://www.stephanietreasure.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/content-marketing-to-attract-ideal-clients-150x150.jpg)
As you work towards marketing and growing your business online, content marketing is the cornerstone of your overall strategy. Active content marketing has various benefits and this post highlights 4 of them. 1) Creates Celebrity Status: When you are actively sharing valuable content, it … [Read more...]
How to attract clients online by focusing on serving first and selling second
1. Build a community - This can be achieved by establishing a Facebook Fan Page and a Linkedin Group for your business. Invite friends, connections from networking events, email subscribers and colleagues to LIKE your fan page and join your group. Once you have set these up, you'll want to … [Read more...]
Create Expert Status in Your Industry and Attract Your Ideal Clients
1. Write articles for your blog - Ideally you should blog at least once per week, but you can blog up to 3 times a week. The more you blog and promote those posts, the more traffic you will receive. When you write valuable content on a regular basis, this shows your target audience that you are … [Read more...]
Top things to do during and after attending a networking event
Networking is a powerful thing to incorporate in your regular marketing to grow your business. You should make it a priority to attend at least 1 event per week. Think of it as one of the fun aspects of growing your business. It’s a fun mixture of meeting new people, catching up with current … [Read more...]
How to Start Using Social Media Marketing in Your Business
![start using social media marketing in business](https://www.stephanietreasure.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/start-using-social-media-marketing-business-150x150.jpg)
In a previous article, I shared how to create a strong social media presence. Click here if you would like to check it out. So what’s next. This is a common question that I get asked by clients who are just starting to use this aspect of marketing in their business. I recommend a nice mix of … [Read more...]
How to create a strong social media presence
![strong social media presence](https://www.stephanietreasure.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/social-media-business-logo-300x300-150x150.jpg)
You may have heard the famous saying, "You do not get a second chance to make a first impression". Well, in the online space it counts even more. People have a limited attention span, when it comes to browsing the Internet. They move very fast. That's one of the reason why the computer … [Read more...]
How to get your local business online – Start with these 4 simple steps
You may recall a wrote an article recently called, Promote Your Local Business Online and Pull in the Profits. This article is a follow-up to that one which goes a little more into the "how" to get your business online. Simple steps to get your local business online 1) Get a website - This … [Read more...]
Cool Tools Magnified – Twitter Testimonials
![Cool internet tools | useful internet tools](https://www.stephanietreasure.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/internet-tools-150x150.png)
From time to time I write about tools that I use in my business, normally in a list post. You might remember one of my most recent posts, "10 Free Tools for Your Online Marketing Toolbox". Today, I want to focus on 1 free tool/tip and how I use it in my business. You may know about Twitter.com's … [Read more...]
A quick and easy way to connect with Social Media Influencers (True Story)
So the other day I am browsing through the Twitter Stream of one of my lists. I saw a Tweet by a friend and follower sharing a blog post with an interesting title. I quickly clicked the link and decided to read it. I was so moved by the blog post. It shared a great tip that persons in my field … [Read more...]